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Thu, 9 March 2017
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What I root for n an All-Star Game:1. A good, highlight-fest of a game that gets somewhat competetive at the end (can care less who wins).2. Lakers participants to get a few buckets (Drew might of already shot that down).3. And last, but definitely not least, No Injuries for any Lakers players.

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Fri, 10 February 2017
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Gracias al Santisimo Sacramento, cada dia nos da una oportunidad para que tengamos un dialogo personal con él, y muchas veces nos dejamos llevar por los afanes sin sentido, y lo dejámos de lado. Hazme sentir Señor que en lo único que debo estar pendiente es en agradarte, y hacer tu santa voluntad, vivir en contínua oración por mí y mis hermanos.

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A idéia do tiro foi genial! Perfeita a colocação, logo em seguida da pergunta: — Lembra-se do que lhe disse o guru do templo de Vaitheeswaram?. Enquanto eu tentava me lembrar do tal guru e do bilhete, ela atirou.

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Aug10 Hi Michelle,Thanks for the tips. I have used Hulu, netflix and Itunes but didn’t know about Fancast and Spreety. I’ll go check them out. I still have cable but mainly use my DVR and barely watch regularly scheduled TV. Maybe I’ll do Alicia’s plan and go totally online. Cable is expensive.

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